
MY OLYMPICS JOURNEY: Churning out the content

“Once the Olympics get going, this building will be packed, which is why it’s so important …”

Nope. Too many words. I can do that faster.

So began a humbling, excruciating period of my Olympics experience. Our group had journeyed to the Sochi region’s mountain cluster to see the sights and shoot some stories. And shoot we did: I had already recorded enough video for three pieces, two of which would air in the coming few days.

By this point, we had reached the home stretch. After five bundled hours in the freezing cold, I simply needed to record one more stand-up. It would be the final on-camera line of a story about the Olympic superstores selling all the Sochi 2014 merchandise.

And I could not get it done.


“Once the Olympics get going, this building will be packed, which is why some –“

Nope. Tripped up on the last word. That won’t do; let me start again.

I talk for a living. True, I also shoot, write, interview, and edit video for a living. But mostly, I talk. I work in the communications business, and that requires me to convey a certain level of expertise with the English language.

Normally, I can handle that.

But on some days, my mental word bank gets tapped out.
